Saturday, August 27, 2011

Swimming Lessons - The Back Crawl

Most people love this Swimming lesson. It’s Back Crawl. Bit difficult to do this style but you can try to do this in swimming pool. Let’s start.

The difficulty with the back crawl is that the swimmer can’t see where he/she is going. It’s easy to bump into other swimmers or with the end of the pool, while learning this stroke. You could start by counting how many strokes it takes you to swim a length, so you will know when you are getting close to the end of the pool. The initial position for the back crawl is lying on your back with your arms and legs stretched straight out. While swimming all of your body should stay close to the surface of the water.

Back Crawl Swimming Techniques:

Leg Movement
Your legs constantly kick while doing the back crawl swimming style. You ought to use long and fast kicks and make sure your legs are moving up and down. Your knees are kept slightly bent and underwater, and your toes should make a little splash when you kick. You can practice the leg movement by using the safety rail at the side of the swimming pool. When you have built up enough self confidence then you can let go of the rail as kicking your legs will keep you afloat.

Arm Movement
Both arms are used similar to the front crawl, but in reverse. The swimmer makes a round motion as they move their two arms in and out of the water at alternate intervals. You can easily start by putting one arm in the water in a straight line above your shoulder. Your palm should be facing away and once your hand is in the water it should push down and towards your feet. Keep pushing your hand towards your feet until your elbow is straight. Then lift fast your arm out of the water, back to its real position and repeat the motion again. The arm should be kept straight all of the time it is out of the water. Little bit hard to do this swimming style but your practice makes you perfect someday.


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